
You are looking at the year {{ year }}

Want to get names from a different year? Pick one from this list.

Uncommon Baby Names

This is a list of baby name{{ amount === 1 ? "" : "s" }} that have been used between and times in the year {{ year }}.


{{ name[0] }} ({{ name[2].toLocaleString() }} uses) Bookmark

{{ name[0] }} ({{ name[2].toLocaleString() }} uses in {{ name[3] }}) Bookmark

You don't have any bookmarked names.

There were over 100,000 results. Are you sure you want to load them all?

No results found.
If a name was used fewer than 5 times in a year, it can't be included. :(

We found {{ fullPeople }} people.

{{ name[0] }} ({{ name[2].toLocaleString() }} uses in {{ name[3] }}) Bookmark

To search the full database, you need to download the full database.
It's only 20MB, and you'll only need to download it once.
It might not be the best idea to do this is you have limited cellular data. You should be fine in any other scenario.

{{ fullDownloadState }}
You'll need to redownload it if you reload the page.

Uncommon Baby Names

Made w/ <3 by Yhvr
Inspired by r/NameNerdCircleJerk


It's funny.


Vue.js and a couple hundred lines of code in total.
Data Source | Peek around at the data


First off, there's millions of people, so there's millions of names. After I compressed it, the entire dataset was still ~20MB. That means it's not only big to download, but it can also take several seconds to search through it all in the "search" tab. Also, for privacy reasons, it only includes names used more than 5 times in a year. So, I guess you miss out on the funniest ones. Oh well. :(